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How Does Hypnotherapy Help?

One of the primary goals of #hypnotherapy is restoration of the #self: for the #physical, #emotional, #mental and #spiritual parts of the client to be unified, balanced, and whole. From this place, healthy connection can be born. Hypnotherapy gives a voice to the lost parts of the self, the parts that were hidden away or shrouded in negativity as a means to survive.

Several types of regression can be successfully used to help the client process all manner of traumatic memory. The hypnotherapist is able to use creativity and imagination to help the client work through the past event, but this time, with resources they did not have at the time of the original event(s).

When this work is done in trance, it changes the way the memory is stored, and the way it functions in the body and mind. Clients are no longer held hostage by the past.

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Disclaimer: As a Colorado practitioner, I work as a complementary/alternative practitioner as defined by Colorado Revised Statute Title 6 § 6-1-724, and are not a licensed psychotherapist, psychiatrist or medical doctor. I recommend that if you are seeking assistance for a mental or physical health disorder, you are encouraged to see a licensed psychotherapist, psychiatrist or doctor who specializes in that disorder.

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