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Do you think your partner has migraine?

Do you think your partner has migraine?

We all know that when your partner is ill or has a chronic disease the intimacy and sex life can be very difficult. Searching for the right fit to help can be frustrating just to figure out how to help. Offering support to your partner is part of your partnership promise to be there for each other no matter what.

I can not tell you how many people out there are searching for a solution right now while you are reading this article. So, when you share it with others that might be a kind of guidance and help for them.

Does Hypnosis help migraine?

Yes, in fact there is several medical researches has proven that hypnosis is very effective in migraine. I attached here one of the medical researches that can be helpful. Also, you will learn here some of the self-hypnosis techniques that might be helpful. The purpose of this article is solely for education purpose, if you have any medical concerns please consult with your doctor.

Self-Hypnosis for Recurrent Headaches (Including Suggestions and Imagery Used in Self-Hypnosis)

Case 6: From a 24-year-old woman who learned self-hypnosis when she was 13: Lay down in a dark room and close my eyes and picture myself standing on a beach in the sun. As I begin to walk down the beach there are numbers written in the sand beginning with whatever number my headache is currently at. I use my feet to erase the numbers. When I reach zero I sit or lay down on the beach and focus on what a pain-free head feels like. Usually I fall asleep at this point. I use my scene now whenever I feel overwhelmed... even if it's not headache related... I simply begin my numbers at the point of stress rather than my pain scale, and I've also felt an aura coming on and used them to calm myself down into relaxation before a full aura starts. I am so grateful for teaching me how to deal with my migraines. I don't know how I would have survived them without your advice and "coaching." I am so happy and proud to say I've been migraine-free for eleven years! Thank-you for doing wonderful work!

Case 9: A 25-year-old woman wrote: I begin by sitting in my bed with some relaxing music playing softly. My eyes closed and I begin to visualize a staircase. The staircase leads to a hot tub and after relaxing my hot tub leads me to a meadow and at the end is a pond with a seat. While at the pond I concentrate on relieving any pain I might have and completely relax. I use it on a daily basis to unwind after work or just a long day. I have also used it for sleep. I had a very complicated pregnancy and quite a bit of pain, and imagery helped me to control the pain. The pain never ceased but it was tolerable with the imagery. Not even medication helped it. I wanted to thank you for the wonderful gift you gave me. Mental imagery helped me through a very difficult pregnancy. Between kidney surgery and a 4-month migraine which no medication could help, imagery helped me to control pain to being manageable versus bed-ridden. I also used imagery on bed rest to help with my back pain. Again I want to thank you for this gift and send my best wishes to you.

International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 58:4, 417-432 (2010).

By: Daniel P. Kohen, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Program, KDWB University Pediatrics Family Center, 717 Delaware Street, S.E., Suite 371, Minneapolis, MN 55414, USA

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