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Is It Time to Break Up With Tobacco?

You’ve heard of toxic relationship, right? It could be a significant other, family member, friend, or co-worker who is slowly draining the life out of you. Whenever you’re around them, you wonder to yourself if it is time to let them go, but you just don’t know if you are ready…..or how to do it. I would like to invite you to think about your relationship with tobacco in the same light. Maybe you’ve tried to break off your relationship in the past, but you found yourself coming back for more. Meanwhile, you realize this relationship is poisoning you one puff or dip at a time.

I’ve known a few people who were fortunate enough to quit cold turkey and stay quit for the rest of their lives. Not to say they didn’t have the occasional temptation, but they were able to withstand the feeling until it passed. Unfortunately, it isn’t that easy for the majority of people. The problem with breaking up with tobacco is that it isn’t just a physical addiction. For most, it is a physical, social, and emotional addiction. That means you need to treat each area in order to be a successful ex-tobacco user. That brings something else to mind. How do you identify yourself? Do you say, “I am a smoker?” or “I smoke or chew tobacco?” Can you see the difference? Whenever we say “I am” something, it holds more weight. We are owning it. Words and thoughts matter because they become our beliefs and eventually our actions.

Successfully quitting tobacco may take some help from your subconscious mind. In one study, they found that among different techniques, hypnosis was the most effective in helping people quit tobacco. One single session of hypnosis was three times more effective than nicotine gum and five times more effective than willpower alone.

Another study found that after three hypnosis sessions, which included one intake interview, and two hypnotherapy appointments, 81 percent of the participants were able to quit smoking. After a 12-month follow-up, it revealed that 48 percent of them remained smoke-free. Wow! That’s pretty good odds for quitting a substance that is as addictive as heroin or cocaine.

Yes, that’s right, it is that addictive. Can you give yourself some compassion about how hard it has been to quit in the past? Nicotine is the chemical in tobacco that keeps you smoking or chewing. Nicotine reaches the brain within seconds of ingestion. In the brain, nicotine increases the release of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, which help regulate mood and behavior.

Dopamine, one of these neurotransmitters, is released in the reward center of the brain and causes feelings of pleasure and improved mood.

The more you smoke or chew, the more nicotine you need to feel good. Nicotine quickly becomes part of your daily routine and intertwined with your habits and feelings.

That being said, it IS possible to quit. You just need to make a game plan. I’d love to be your coach! Before you decide to commit to becoming an ex-tobacco user, let me ask you a few questions. Why do you want to quit? Is it for your health, your loved ones, money, or something else? Do you really want to quit or are you just doing it for others? Quitting for our family members is good, but if you really want to break up with tobacco, you have to want to quit for yourself. You may be able to quit for a while, but triggers and temptations may be overwhelming if you don’t really want to quit. And if you don’t want to quit now, that’s totally fine. But, I would encourage you to dig a little deeper and ask yourself why you feel that way. Do you have some fears about quitting? If so, those can be addressed by hypnotherapy as well.


Before I tell you what you can expect from your hypnotherapy sessions to become an ex-tobacco user, I’d like to give you some encouraging statistics.

Within 20 minutes of your last tobacco ingestion, your blood pressure and pulse rate adjusts to natural levels, and blood flow to your feet and hands is restored.

In 8 hours, oxygen levels in your blood increase to normal.

After 24 hours, your chance of a heart attack is significantly decreased.

After 48 hours, nerve endings start to re-grow and the ability to smell and taste improves.

In 72 hours, your bronchial tubes begin relaxing and lung capacity begins to increase.

Between 2 weeks to 3 months, circulation in the body improves and lung function increases up to 30 percent.

In 1 to 9 months coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath decreases and cilia is regrown in the lungs, which helps handle mucous and reduce infections.

In 5 years, the lung cancer death rate decreases from 137 per 100,000 to 72 per 100,000 and after 10 years, to almost the rate of a person who never used tobacco.

In 10 years, pre-cancerous cilia are replaced and other cancers such as those of the mouth, larynx, and pancreas are also decreased.

Your body wants to heal! You just need to decide if you are ready and willing to break up with tobacco for good!

What can you expect when you schedule a hypnotherapy session with me? First, we will do an intake to determine why you use tobacco, why you want to quit, and if your primary addiction is physical, social, or emotional. Then, we will make a game plan which includes preparing to quit, scheduling a quit date and also completing your first hypnotherapy session on your quit date to help celebrate your decision and reinforce your desire to become free of tobacco. Ideally, you could quit in one session, but realistically, it takes about 21 days to create your new identity as an ex-tobacco user. In between sessions, I will ask you to listen to a daily homework audio that lasts about 20 minutes to keep your new identity in the foreground of your mind. You can do this! I’m here to help you break up with tobacco for good. You can reach me by going to my website at and clicking on Appointments. You can schedule sessions one at a time or you can choose the Break Up With Tobacco package. I look forward to meeting you and celebrating your success! Becky Reutter

I loved the results of QMH so much that I am now a certified Quantum Medical Hypnotherapist. I want to pass on this gift that Dr. Moghazy helped me receive. The results you are looking for are already inside you. You may just need a guide to help you on your journey. I would love to be your guide.


I have four important questions for you…

Would you like to become a Certified Healer, QMH practitioner, Blog Writer, Audio Hypnosis creator, and many more wonderful achievements.

Is your answer “Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes”? If so, Book online or call us at (303) 810-8888 and join us.

How to start?

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Quantum Medical Hypnosis Manual

About the founder:

Dr. Moghazy is an exceptionally qualified Doctor and passionate Hypnotherapist who enjoys working one-on-one with people in beautiful Colorado in person and online. He takes pride in the difference he has made in so many lives.

Using scientifically proven techniques, they will aim to discover the root of the problem and create a long-lasting, effective change. No matter what issues you’re facing, get ready to free yourself from the negative, subconscious blocks that are holding you back.

Connecting with me will give you knowledge, tools, and support!

Benefits of becoming a CERTIFIED HEALER  1 - Earn a very good living facilitating natural & holistic energy healing work  2 - The demand for professionally certified healers continues to grow, and you also can add value to your current practice by offering QMH, Reiki, Myofascial Release, Quantum Life Regression, Emotional Fascia certifications, and more 3 - Recieve referrals  4 - Continue education and mentoring support  5 - Accelerate your success by joining a community of like-minded healers 6 - Opportunities to create a passive income 8 - Listed on the resources directory of My Best Healer 9 - Recieve a beautiful certificate and complete manual 10 - Above all, you help other people to heal and feel better, Isn't that enough?
Benefits of becoming a CERTIFIED HEALER  1 - Earn a very good living facilitating natural & holistic energy healing work  2 - The demand for professionally certified healers continues to grow, and you also can add value to your current practice by offering QMH, Reiki, Myofascial Release, Quantum Life Regression, Emotional Fascia certifications, and more 3 - Recieve referrals  4 - Continue education and mentoring support  5 - Accelerate your success by joining a community of like-minded healers 6 - Opportunities to create a passive income 8 - Listed on the resources directory of My Best Healer 9 - Recieve a beautiful certificate and complete manual 10 - Above all, you help other people to heal and feel better, Isn't that enough?

Best wishes,

Dr. Ezzat Moghazy

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