Why Past Life Regression is A Mystery?
Past-life regression
Many people have understandable skepticism about past-life regression, something for which hypnosis is often known. The idea of reincarnation has been around since the beginning of human existence and is common today in cultures such as Tibet and India. There are hundreds of stories, not only in these nations but in Western cultures as well, about children who recall a previous life and are even able to name objects, people, places and experiences that have nothing to do with their present life. Investigators, in many such cases, have been able to confirm the remembered facts, but have no clear explanation as to how this happens.
After many years of working with such memories from my clients, I don’t have a clear explanation either, but I would you like to think about this from several different perspectives before dismissing the whole idea.
As I have said previously, I practice a method of hypnosis I’ve called Quantum Medical Hypnosis. This is based on the scientific proof that all matter, including life, is interconnected. Quantum physicists have found that molecules separated by vast distances can respond in like to other molecules as if they were side by side, something they named Quantum Entanglement. When quantum theories like this first emerged, even Einstein was skeptical, calling it “spooky action.” But nowadays they have become something taken quite seriously. The proven fact that even observing something changes its behavior challenges our whole understanding of matter and energy.
Beyond the particle physics model, we all have had the experience of thinking about someone far away and suddenly getting a phone call or other communication from them. Skeptics will shout “coincidence!” but it is such a frequent and well-known phenomenon that the law of averages can’t explain it. Then again, you may have had the experience of repeatedly envisioning something you wanted to happen in your life, and almost magically it comes to pass. What is happening here?
Consider the possibility that we simply don’t have the ability to perceive the fact that all things are interconnected, and that an action or a thought is not bound by time or space, that these may produce events in the universe that we don’t yet understand. Mystics throughout time have understood this and tried mostly unsuccessfully to convince others that it is true. In his later years, even Einstein noted: